If you need a Press Pass or have any questions about this FEFCO event, please do not hesitate to contact me:
Nathalie Schneegans, Communications Director
Tel: +32 2 650 08 32
Email: nschneegans@fefco.org
Magazines delivery address
Please arrange the shipment directly with the freighter DSV:
DSV Solutions A/S
Center Boulevard 5
DK-2300 København S
Contact : Kim Hemmingsen
Tel: +45 32 47 30 17
Fax: +45 43 25 35 10
EM: expo@dk.dsv.com
Please mark the shipment as follows:
FEFCO, 22 – 24 October 2013 (Organiser)
To be delivered at Room 16 – First floor (FEFCO staff room)
Date: XXX
Contact at the Bella Center on the day: XXX
DSV will receive and handle your shipment - please note there will be a charge for the handling but this will be borne by FEFCO