Programme "The Corrugated Board Factory of 2025"
The FEFCO Production Committee, composed of leading Technical Managers from all over Europe, is offering you content of the highest standard.
The theme of the conference will be "The Corrugated Board Factory of 2025" covering the following subjects:
The pursuit of excellence in:
- Session 1 - Raw Materials, Future Developments and How to Cope with them
- Session 2 - Zero Defect Technology, Status and Impact on our Industry
- Session 3 - Efficiency in Production
Draft Timing
This programme has recently been revised to match the number of spotlight sessions. last update: 30th September
Tuesday 22 October 2013
08.00 Registration at Bella Center – Foyer Congress Hall A
09.00 Opening of the Exhibition and Welcome Coffee
10.00 Spotlights Session 1
11.00 Break
11.30 Spotlights Session 2
12.30 Snack Lunch on the exhibition floor
13.30 Welcome Address
Roberto Villaquiran, FEFCO President
Walter De Smedt, Chairman FEFCO Production Committee
Session 1: Raw Materials, Future Developments and How to Cope with them
Chaired by Pawel Rogalka (Aquila, Poland), Herrando José (Saica Pack, Spain),
Kurt Jensen (Smurfit Kappa, Denmark)
14.00 Packaging Features and Imperatives - the Evolution of our Customers’ Demand
Karsten Almosetoft - Emballageindustrien, Dansk Industri.
Raw Materials, Future Developments and How to Cope with them
14.30 Performance Packaging in Corrugated Material: How our Industry is
Adapting to Change in Customer Requirements
Miguel Pelayo, Saica
Raw Materials, Future Developments and How to Cope with them
15.00 Corrugating Process of the Future: How to Convert Papers of
the Future Into Perfect Board and Packaging
Marek Motylewski - Mondi
16.00 Break and visit of exhibition - Hall A
16.30 Spotlights Session 3
18.00 Visit of the exhibition - Hall A
19.00 Exhibition closes
19.00 Cocktail - sponsored by APEX Group of companies
Foyer of the Auditorium
Gold Box Sponsor
Wednesday 23 October 2013
08.30 Introduction to Session 2
Chaired by Yves Durand (DS Smith Packaging, France), Laszlo Koscso (Rondo BP, Hungary),
Bernd Dilger (DS Smith Packaging, Switzerland)
08.35 Zero Defect Technology, its Status and Impact on Our Industry
Actual and Future Zero Defect Requirements – A Customer’s Point of View
Fernando Bayod, P&G
09.05 Zero Defect Technology, its Status and Impact on Our Industry
Technological Status in our Industry on Zero Defects
Several OEM suppliers
Jorg Vonderheiden, Erhard & Leimer, - Ralf Schiffmann, Göpfert
Dave Swedes, Valco Melton - John Bird, JB Machinery - Ulrich Wolz, Bahmüller
10.15 Coffe Break
10.45 Zero Defect Technology, its Status and Impact on Our Industry
Zero Defect as a Strategical Vision: Opportunities and Limitations
Wilbert Streefland, Technology Coaching
11.30 Update on Legal Requirements Regarding Product Safety
for Corrugated Board Packaging
Maria Casado - FEFCO
11.45 Break - change of room
12.00 Spotlights Session 4
13.00 Lunch followed by coffee on the exhibition floor
14.30 Spotlights Session 5
15.15 Break and Visit of the exhibition
15.45 Spotlights Session 6
17.15 Visit of the exhibition
17.45 End of afternoon
18.15 Depaérture by Bus to city Hall
19.00 Cocktail Reception - Copenhagen City Hall
Thursday 24 October 2013
08.30 Introduction to Session 3
08.35 Session 3: Efficiency in Production
Chaired by Klaus Lüke (Klingele Papierwerke, Germany), Johann Grünwald (Smurfit Kappa, Germany)
Luis Martin (International Paper Europe)
Focus on Efficiency as Driver to Success - The Porsche Success Story
Stephan Lechel- Porsche consulting
09.15 Reducing Waste Sources
Andreas Dörken & Fernando Assens, ARGO
09.45 Coffe Break - and visit of exhibition - Hall A
10.15 Session 3: Efficiency in Production
Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
Klaus Lüke (Klingele Papierwerke)
11.15 Energy Efficiency - Holger Jung, PTS
12.15 Lunch followed by coffee on the exhibition floor
13.30 The Unmanned Corrugated Board Factory of the Future
Several OEM suppliers:
Helmut Kraus, BHS - Gilbert Joux, BOBST, Jan-Erik Hallor, EMBA
Isem Akrout - Minda- Bart Verbruggen - OM Partners
15.00 Award Ceremony and Closure
15.30 Exhibition closes - end of event
Bronze Box Sponsor
All coffee breaks are sponsored by Tereos Syral