Why exhibit?
If you are a supplier to the corrugated industry and a Sympathiser Member of FEFCO, the Technical Seminar is the best platform to showcase your products and services in Europe:
- Thousands of square meters of technology
- Hundreds of qualified visitors
- The most productive few days in your sales and new business development activities.
Interested in booking a stand?
Stand booking is exclusively open to FEFCO Sympathiser Members
Stand reservation is now available.
No more stands left! We have however extended the exhibition floor area , please check the floor plan to see if any are still available.
For information please contact houriet.lefebvre@fefco.org
Technical Information for Exhibitors
Contact person for ordering basic stand package - Furniture - AV equipment & Catering
Karina Bay
Technical Sales Coordinator
Phone: +45 3247 2337 - Fax: +45 3251 7181
E-mail: kba@bellacenter.dk
EXHIBITOR Manual - revised version 20 September 2013
Bella Center Products and Services
Bella Center Products & Services - decoration of the stand
Bella Center order Forms equipment
To order them please contact Karina Bay (see above)
Material and equipment delivery address
Please arrange the shipment directly with the freighter DSV:
DSV Solutions A/S
Center Boulevard 5
DK-2300 København S
Contact : Kim Hemmingsen
Tel: +45 32 47 30 17
Fax: +45 43 25 35 10
EM: expo@dk.dsv.com
Please mark the shipment with the following:
FEFCO, 22 – 24 October 2013 (Organiser)
To be delivered at XXX (please indicate your stand number)
Date: XXX
Contact at the Bella Center on the day: XXX
DSV will receive and handle your shipment - please note there will be a charge for the handling.
For questions concerning catering
Bella Center Services
Phone: +45 3247 3419
E-Mail: F&B.orders@bellacenter.dk
From 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on week days.