FEFCO Position papers
FEFCO engages with policy makers on issues of specific interest to its members either individually or in cooperation with other associations. The position papers are a form used to express the view of interested stakeholders with a particular policy development. The last industry positions supported by FEFCO are here:
- FPE Manifesto
- Joint statement on EUDR
- FEFCO position on PPWR 2024
- Joint statement on Green Claims
- FEFCO supports the review of the FCM legislation
- FEFCO PPWR position 2023
- Joint Industry position on Reuse and refill targets
- Joint industry statement on the revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste legislation
- Recommendations of forest-based industries to European Parliament - Deforestation regulation
- Joint industry voting recommendations for Environment Committee - Deforestation regulation
- Joint industry letter on Spanish Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste
- Statement of the Forest based industries on Council draft report on deforestation regulation
- Feedback on proposal for a Regulation on Eco-design for Sustainable Products
- Feedback on Eunomia stakeholder questionnaire - PPWD revision and recyclability requirements
- Statement of the Forest based industries on ENVI draft report on deforestation regulation
- Annex proposal for amendments on deforestation regulation
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Infographic How fibre based packaging contributes to the circular economy
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Fit for Purpose position paper
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Sustainable Products Initiative Statement
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Single-use & Reuse position paper
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Reuse targets & overpackaging position paper
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Boosting Packaging Recycling position paper
- Fibre Packaging Europe - Substantiating Green Claims position paper
- Revision EU Waste Framework - Impact Assessment feedback
- WFD revision - feedback on food waste reduction targets
- PPWD revision - joint feedback
- Joint industry call for an EU approach to packaging waste labelling
- OSOA - A tailored risk assessment for Food Contact Materials
- Paper and board industry feedback on preventative measures and overpackaging - Eunomia workshop
- Environmental labelling issue Italy
- Joint feedback EU roadmap chemicals strategy
- Joint paper and board position on Food Contact Materials
- Joint Industry Letter on the review of the PPWD
- Review of the requirements for packaging and other measures to prevent packaging waste
- Joint paper value chain reply on the EU Consultation on Green Claims
- Paper packaging feedback on preventive measures - Eunomia report
- Feedback to the EU Inception Impact Assessment on measures to prevent packaging waste
- Single Use Plastic Directive - call for modification of definitions
- Farm to fork strategy - feedback on EU roadmap
- Corona Crisis - Continued cross border movement of paper & board essential
- Impact corona crisis on supply chain food and pharma products
- Feedback on roadmap proposal regulation deforestation
- Feedback to roadmap on illegal logging - Paper & Board sector
- Paper value chain joint statement on Circular Economy action plan
- EU roadmap on Circular Economy action plan - FEFCO comments
- Industry4Europe joint paper
- Packaging Supply Chain principles and recommendations on EPR-ER, May 2019
- Joint Call 2019 Heads of States Industry 4Europe
- Industry for Europe position on setting indicators under the EU Industrial Strategy, 2018
- Industry for Europe position for an ambitious EU Industrial Strategy, 2018
- Industry call to safeguard the internal market for packaging and packaged goods in the Circular Economy Package, 2017
- Paper packaging industries’ position on the Waste Directives in the Circular Economy Package, 2016