How to order ? Technical Equipment AV and Catering
Link to the CCIB order Forms - excel document FEFCO 2015
If you prefer you can also create an account and order online via the CCIB web page:
Please complete the Excel document named FEFCO 2015.
Once completed, please send via e-mail to: stands@ccib.es enclosing a wire transfer copy or the Credit Card order form duly completed. Without proof of payment, the CCIB will not be able to process your order.
Each tab displays a form for different services. Fill in the blue boxes with the quantity you require.
The cost is automatically calculated and totalled in the ORDER SUMMARY document.
Form 0.1 Financial and Credit Card Details must be mandatorily filled.
No request will be processed without this information, even if the services are paid by bank transfer.
All prices will be increased with 21% Spanish VAT (catering 10%). For exhibitors based outside Spain, no VAT will
be calculated if CCIB is provided with their national VAT number.