Programme "Corrugated 4.0: Smart Factories for Flexibility and Efficiency"
2015 Technical Seminar Programme
This year the theme is "Corrugated 4.0: Smart Factories for Flexibility and Efficiency"
The programme will focus on intelligent machines and processes, advanced analytics, resource efficiency, ergonomics and how people at work can adapt to these trends. It will evaluate how new developments will re-shape the industry, leading to business process re-engineering in order to be more flexible, more innovative, more cost-efficient and safer.
TS 2015 Programme
Day 1 - Wednesday 28 October
09.00 Registration starts
09.45 Welcome Coffee and exhibition visit
10.30 Welcome Address
Marc Van Damme, FEFCO Production Committee Chairman
10.35 Spotlights Session 1
11.45 Break
12.15 Spotlights Session 2
13.15 Snack Lunch on the exhibition floor
14.00 President's Address
Roberto Villaquiran, FEFCO President
14.15 Smart Factories for Flexibilty and Efficiency
Dr. Frank Miletzky, PTS
14.45 A Customer's View on the Corrugated Industry of the Future
Christoph Merle, Migros-Industry
15.15 Break and Exhibition Visit
15.45 Requirements and Road Map to Industry 4.0
Peter Flieher, T.CON
16.15 Business Value from Supply Chain Data Within Corrugated 4.0
Stefan Bauer, Witron
16.45 Questions & Answers
17.15 Spotlights Session 3
18.30 Exhibition Visit
19.15 Cocktail Reception sponsored by HP
Day 2 - Thursday 29 October
08.30 Opening Day 2
Testing on Corrugated
08.35 Predicting Print Quality on Paper
Anita Teleman, Innventia
08:50 Manage Box Strength through the Process
Ian Chalmers, DST
Future Challenges for the Converting Process
09.05 4.0 - Are the New Ones the Old Ones ? Challenges in Converting
Walter De Smedt, Smurfit Kappa
09.20 Opportunities for the Future - A View from a Converting Machine Manufacturer
Ralf Schiffmann, Göpfert
09.35 Coffee break and exhibition visit
Digital Print
10.20 How Digital Has Already Changed Industrial Markets
Wolfram Verwüster, Durst Group
10.35 How Digital Printing Will Impact Processes in Converting
Jakob Bovin, BOBST
10.50 Preprint - Beyond the Limitations of Analogue and Digital
Alexander Cartellieri, Conprinta
11.05 What Does it Take to Go Digital ?
Ronen Zioni, HP
11.20 Questions & Answers
11.50 Break
12.30 Spotlights Session 4
13.35 Lunch in the banquet hall followed by coffee on the exhibition floor
14.45 Spotlights Session 5
15.50 Break
16.30 Spotlights Session 6
17.30 Exhibition Visit
18.30 Exhibition Closes
Day 3 - Friday 30 October - morning
08.30 Opening Day 3
08.35 Safety 4.0, Our Goal, Our Inspiration
Stefan Buchner, Smurfit Kappa
09.05 Corrugators in a 4.0 Environment
Lars Engel, BHS Corrugated
09.35 Quality Control Systems on Corrugators, Existing and Future Possibilities
Jari Almi, Valmet
10.00 Coffee Break and Exhibition Visit
11.00 Moisture as Key Clue in Corrugator Production
Marek Motylewski, Mondi
11.45 Questions & Answers
12.15 Award Ceremony and Closure
12.45 Lunch followed by coffee on the exhibition floor
14.00 Exhibition Closes - end of the Technical Seminar