
  • 28 Apr 2021
    Joint letter packaging and packaging waste review
  • 15 Apr 2021
    FEFCO Link 54
  • 29 Jan 2021
    FEFCO New Secretary General
  • 15 Jan 2021
    New FEFCO logo


  • 10 Dec 2020
    New FEFCOLink December 2020
  • 21 Sep 2020
    Packaging Chain Forum Joint Statement on the Integrity of the Single Market
  • POLITICO’s virtual panel event: Unwrapping the future of sustainable packaging
    08 Jul 2020
    Read the Press Release and watch the video - FEFCO “unboxes” the future of sustainable Corrugated Cardboard
  • 17 Jun 2020
    Virtual event FEFCO / Politico on 6 July 2020 - Unwrapping the future of sustainable packaging?
  • Call for modification of SUPD definitions to achieve Circular Economy objectives
    24 Apr 2020
    Statement on Single Use Plastic Directive
  • 24 Apr 2020
    EuRIC joins EPRC to reach EU Green Deal targets
  • 17 Apr 2020
    FEFCO Link 52
  • 30 Mar 2020
    Impact corona crisis on supply chain
