Unboxing the green deal

The European Commission presented the Green Deal in 2019, a multifaceted policy package designed to help the EU become green, digital and competitive. The policies set ambitious targets, many of which will directly and indirectly impact the corrugated industry.
Fit for Circularity
Corrugated packaging is an example of the perfect circle: packaging is collected after use, sorted, then sent to the paper mill for recycling to become paper and board for new packaging. This happens over and over again.
Learn More [1]Climate neutrality
Climate neutrality by 2050 is the way that the European Commission foresees its future growth strategy. The FEFCO secretariat considers it a duty to guide and assist the corrugated board industry to enable climate neutrality in its manufacturing operations. Thus, an ambitious project started last year that will explore potential pathways to climate neutrality while considering all related emissions involved, including those from paper.
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